In observance of Friday

A whole year
One minute you’re kissing in a restaurant
The next, you’re a 365 sunsets away
Table for one
on your third glass of wine
At your second restaurant
Eating your fourth meal of the night
Doing your very goddamndest
Not to remember
Not to be haunted
The wisps curl in from nowhere
Trying to invade your mind
“It hurts
It hurts
It hurts
You need to cry”
Who me?
I will shove that shit down
I will evict it
kick it in its ass until it runs outside
While I drink more and eat more
And talk to more strangers
And pretend to develop a lover
Because I will not be taken down and destroyed
By someone who told me
I love you
I am yours
With nicknames and promises
every single untrue syllable
I was there a year ago
Tripping over my pen and fingers and tongue
Hopeful and filled with faith
And wondering if i could keep up
I was standing still
Not the one on the run
Who still runs
Who maybe was always running
Who will likely appear in the days that follow
Seeking a clear path that has no thorns
But my dear, you’re the one that planted them
I have the truth now, I suppose
I couldn’t match a champion like that
Last year, this year or any other
I’ll never be as good a liar

t’apprends laisser partir

I guess I’m headed for dull ache
I’m not being stabbed over and over by harsh reality
just sudden bangs and clatters of recent memories
sometimes a slow surge of sorrow from a fleeting thought
sometimes out of nowhere the breathlessness of unexpected loss

I miss his salt and pepper
soft, warm voice
lilting with tease
and generally good humor
so sweet
he was
that man I met in the hotel bar
in the lavender patterned button down
gray pants
welcoming smile
beautiful words that opened my heart and let him inside
I’m afraid all the pictures I have captured someone else
I don’t know him now
do I?

this is how it works
it’s all so acute
the shock
the anger
the sadness
the confusion
the longing
the fear
the sense of unfinished business
the disbelief

the hope that love gives
breaks up pain
stalls it
softens it

but the dwindling begins as the seconds tick
on and on
emotions spawned by the folly of another
become a toxic, numbing force
icing my soul
it once burned so bright

hope that fuels a fire within
I always burn


with every passing failure
the process of abandonment
closes in on the flame
a little more
it hurts
this death of sorts
and I don’t give up easily
to love is a purpose
this plucky sense of maybe
emboldens despite waning heat and energy
romantic resolve also weakens me
while what I admire
has stopped trying to spark completely

quiet intercedes
in between the whys and whats and whens
of yesterday
and the what ifs and coulds
and tears and tears and tears
and then
the embers just warm and barely giving off heat
still glow
but so softly
going away like he is now
I’m holding coals with my dirty hands
and the dull ache
I don’t understand
I don’t understand
no matter how quiet or cool it gets
I won’t ever understand
this kind of arson

Port of Uncertainty

I was clear on who I am
What I want
Was this way for us
Was me
Was love
Was fully here
Had fears
Never concealed
Shared this place with open arms and heart
Showed the me that is true

And here am I so many months later
Grasping for any tender moment
Missing the sighs and belly laughs and smiles and time that flowed so easily at the beginning
This is all still the beginning
It’s fucking ridiculousness

The fear wasn’t really mine alone
The fear was shared
Lulled me anyway and soothed me and promised me
“I’m not going anywhere”
Feelings denied and hid despite it
I’ve been alone for months sitting here
In theory we aren’t forever over
But it’s all tentative
Fear perpetuates denying and hiding
When our love was and could always have been in plain sight
Was it love
So many declarations
Wrapped me up and reassuring
But how can one love and fade with such ease
No one can question why I have trouble believing
That anything said was real

If it seems like I’m angry
I’m bleeding from wounds reopened
Because I tried trusting
Here I am again
A new year reminding me that everything new is old and old is new
Still the same old and new me
Wishing for my “you”


The woman you’ve known for over ten years is a cog in the epidemic that’s fueling the pandemic
Also, you’ve come to realize your friendship with her is performative and has been all along
She’s sicker than you’ve ever been and you can’t stop comparing and judging her because she doesn’t have what you want and never has
You imagined it and she didn’t meet up to the image you had of her
It’s illusory

Your son won’t adhere to even the smallest of safety guidelines you ask him to follow
…Also he asks you for money when he has more than you ever did at his age and eats all the ice cream in the middle of the night, can’t seem to schedule his showers when they don’t conflict with yours and doesn’t dispose of his used condoms properly

Your millennial workplace bosses promote the same millennials over and over while you and your other older coworkers get recognized for nothing and your wrinkles and gray keep showing
Also, after Labor Day, thanks to people like the aforementioned “friend”, there will be no “return to normalcy”

Have an email fight with your landlord over grout in your tub that is turning black
Enjoy his mansplain efforts on management’s recommendation that tenants use toothbrushes and “disenfectant” to clean
Also, have the actual maintenance person tell you to your face that the grout was done wrong (with latex) and should be done with silicone
Doesn’t seem shady

You can’t seem to stop meeting people who hurt you or at the very least, disregard you
Also, don’t give up on love
Also, redirect that frustration into something positive (because the last ten years of trying to do that have gone SO well)
C’mon and channel that sexual energy

Masks back on
Even for you who got vaccinated
Stay home again and only go places where people are spread out and far apart
There will be no intimate moments in a crowd or a thumping bass at a concert
Also, it’s not like you have anywhere to go
You’re old now
Nobody wants to see your wrinkled old ass in a club,lady

Try to appreciate all your blessings
Struggle to do some deep belly breathing
Do your best to engage your diaphragm
And do butterfly tapping
And soften your pelvic floor muscles
And imagine that you are safe and calm
And cry because the depth of your trauma and neglect will maybe never allow a natural moment’s peace
Sex and tv and mild substances and distractions maybe

Also, relax
You can do that,