The lonely

it throbs and pulses through your blood
whines and begs and pleads
tries to ooze out your mouth and fingers
I neeeeeeeeeeed

it seemed to be in remission
acceptance of things lost
enjoyment of present friends and former lovers, personal space
peace, maybe

but there is no rest for wicked abandonment trauma
no real end of grieving for a crying adult child
without constant processing and work
as if you don’t have a job and responsibilities already

subject yourself to constant reminders of pain
feel what you thought was most perfect thing slipping away for no reason
try to make sense of the senseless
the wasted time and energy

seek out attention and comfort in arms that you don’t recognize or get to keep around you
smile in the faces of others who’d like to try
and stay just out of their reach
a balancing act you can’t keep up
relief is temporary

talk to strangers
buy you some special gifts
get out for meals and self care
show yourself a good time
read more
eat better
tidy up
focus on the present
do your best and keep busy

but in those moments when there is nothing but the bottomless longing and quiet
the spaces not occupied by self sufficiency

it always returns
she always returns
rage-filled, depleted,
wasting and starving
somebody say or do something
she just wants a little taste of SOMETHING
she’s never sated

Billions of years of pressure deserve better than this

Our bodies were so close and tight
I don’t remember anyone else in the room
I couldn’t have been bothered
we were dressed up and silly
smiling and flirting
two kids in grownup bodies
royalty in purple hues
sunglasses at night
flushes from sex highlighting our faces
it was everything it was supposed to be
was I 18?
my soul was
in your arms
I would stay in that moment forever if I could
it was perfect
we are perfect
I swear it

I absorbed every moment you gave
you gave so much
it’s right there in every picture
I have them all
in every scene

I still feel the weight of that night
all the days and nights
Today I ache to be in your arms
no matter who opens theirs
I want to be swaying, smiling and
where I’m supposed to be
it was supposed to be

how does anyone so totally lose their way?
how do you push beauty and perfection like that away?
it was meant for you
why in this world where almost everyone seeks connection over anything else
why deny?
why conceal?
it’s yours for the taking
why open your fingers and let this love slide through like one of a hundred or more unremarkable handfuls of sand?
don’t you understand
it never gets to be this amazing and real
WE are a once in-a-fucking-lifetime

Is this epilogue?

you’re pretty sure he doesn’t remember your name
even if he knows it, he called you “Baby” instead
he doesn’t ask about your life
your likes
your politics
doesn’t compliment you
has no expectations
isn’t looking to settle
doesn’t say anything that makes you feel special

you asked for this
you said
no more bullshit
I don’t care
you can’t count on men to be safe or
so you picked this

he does kiss really well
he knows how to play and tease and touch
and he’s kind of dumb
which makes it easy not to open your mouth
except to moan and giggle when he tickles
keep it stupid

you’re exhausted from the attention
the physicality
without conclusion
at least for you
this is foregone
how you thought you liked to do it
or accepted
that pleasure came from surrender
not from becoming transcendent
it’s the familiar detachment you longed for

and still

this sadness

six months ago this was the absolute last scenario you imagined
you were in love
you believed you were loved
the deception and secrets became too much
it wasn’t you that crumbled from it
it wasn’t you that caused this
but were again left unguarded, nearly inconsolable, alone

grief is a weight that can only be carried for so long
will it finally release its grasp
smooth into a blurry little twinge that fades until it’s gone?

just checked; acute phase hasn’t ended

no matter how good the kisses or the attraction or the fun
it still hurts
it still fucking hurts
maybe it’s anger now
look-what-you-made-me-do fire burning hot in your veins
the “cowboy” rides tail between legs into a made up sunset
the one he said was real for the two of you to bathe in

no cowboys here anymore
but this hombre did have on boots from Texas
more real, apparently, than any word spoken to you for the majority of an entire year

Gratitude for small things
tickles and a nickname and talking trash about cheesesteak and popcorn farts
it ain’t medicine
but it’ll help
provide some temporary numbing
while the pain glacially and tragically departs